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The British are coming! Who said that? Not me!!!!? – Paul Revere?

via Instagram

So I’ve been posting lately with Venezuelan sayings to bring you a bit of the culture of the country I came from. Now, I am moving to show some of the new country that has become my second half.

? So to add another set of words that has nothing to do with my images (lol), of all things let me see how much can I add about the American Revolution. My 1st half, Venezuela is going trough very bad times because of the dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro, so this theme combines the two pieces that occupy my head at this moment. ? —-? Ultimamente en todas las fotos que subo a Instagram, he estado agregando refranes venezolanos. Ahora voy a cambiar y agregar oraciones relacionadas a la Revolucion Americana. Venezuela, mi pais y la mitad de lo que soy, esta pasando por unos tiempos muy malos gracias (o desgracia) a la dictadura de Nicolas Maduro. Tal como lo de los refranes, estas lineas no tienen nada que ver con las fotos que subo, son solo lineas para acompañar las cosas que tengo en la cabezota.? ? #americanrevolution #democracy #vote #usa #georgewashington #foundingfathers #patrioticduty #americanhistory #freedom #paulrevere? #bikini #blonde #sexymuse #love #lingerie #sexy #woman #model #girl #body #curves #beautiful #follow ? #sexymuse IG: @sexymuse

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